Discover our history.
Deeply rooted in collaboration and innovation
Led by our team leader Pr Valentin Gies, the Robot Club Toulon team has brought together a group of brilliant minds from various fields.
Each member brings a unique set of skills and expertise, fostering a collaborative environment where creativity and problem solving thrive.
Our goal : Partake in the world biggest autonomous robot competition
The Robocup Middle Size League is a football robot competition held every year as part of the Robocup, the robotics world cup.
In Middle Size League, robots are fully autonomous and are able to detect the ball, track it and score goals using innovative sensors
and state-of-the-art processing algorithms.
Meet our innovations and our equipments.
You can access to our Robocup 2025 Qualification Material for more details about our team and robots.
JeVois is the world’s smallest TensorFlow-enabled deep learning edge AI smart camera for IoT, edge computing, computer vision, home automation and robotics!
Combined with YOLO, a CNN-based deep learning model designed for fast and accurate real-time detection of objects in images, it enables our robots to detect objects, teammates, humans, … and avoid collisions in the field.
PEPPERL+FUCHS R2000 : a very high performance LIDAR for RCT robots
We would like to thank PEPPERL+FUCHS, for their support in order to be competitive at the RoboCup. With an angular resolution of 0.014°, a range of 60m and a 50 round per second speed, R2000 will greatly help us for positioning and understanding the games at the RoboCup !
Sensor fusion between a camera with AI recognition and a LiDAR system enhances accuracy and reliability. The camera provides detailed images and object recognition, while LiDAR offers precise distance measurements and 3D mapping. Together, they create a comprehensive understanding of the environment.
We achieve 3rd place at RoboCup Technical Challenge, thank to this innovation.
Swerve drives have been implemented in our 2024 robot design to significantly enhance performance and versatility.
This system allows our robots to move in any direction and rotate independently, providing unparalleled agility and precision on the field.
The swerve drive configuration enables a maximum speed of 7 m/s and an acceleration of 3 m/s².
A simulator is crucial for the Robocup Soccer Middle Size League (MSL) as it allows teams to try and replay matches with limited infrastructure and personnel. It enables detailed analysis and strategy development without the need for physical setups, making it cost-effective and efficient. Simulations help teams optimize their performance and refine their tactics, leading to better real-world results.